<MarchingCubes />
is a wrapper around THREE's Marching Cubes.
It includes 3 components:
<MarchingCubes />
– container element for<MarchingCube />
s and<MarchingPlane />
s<MarchingCube />
- an individual metaball<MarchingPlane />
– optional bounding plane that interacts with the metaballs
<script setup lang="ts">
import { MarchingCube, MarchingCubes, MarchingPlane, OrbitControls } from '@tresjs/cientos'
import { TresCanvas } from '@tresjs/core'
import { NoToneMapping, Vector3 } from 'three'
const rand = () => (Math.random() - 0.5) * 1.25
const positions = Array.from({ length: 40 }, () => new Vector3(rand(), rand(), rand()))
<TresCanvas clear-color="#222" :tone-mapping="NoToneMapping">
<TresPerspectiveCamera />
<OrbitControls />
<MarchingCubes :resolution="40" :max-poly-count="40000">
<MarchingPlane plane-type="y" />
v-for="position, i of positions"
<TresMeshPhongMaterial specular="#111111" :shininess="30" color="#049ef4" :reflectivity="1" />
<TresAxesHelper />
<TresDirectionalLight color="#ffffff" :intensity="3" :position="[0, 200, 0]" />
<TresDirectionalLight color="#ffffff" :intensity="3" :position="[100, 200, 100]" />
Prop | Description | Default |
resolution | Resolution of the marching cube field. Higher resolution produces smoother meshes at the cost of performance and memory. | 28 |
maxPolyCount | Maximum number of polygons to generate. | 10000 |
enableUvs | Whether UVs are enabled. | false |
enableColors | Whether vertex colors are enabled. | false |
<MarchingCube />
Prop | Description | Default |
strength | How strongly this cube affects the marching cube field. | 0.5 |
subtract | How quickly strength moves to 0 over distance. | 12 |
<MarchingPlane />
Prop | Description | Default |
planeType | Which axis the plane appears on. 'x' | 'y' | 'z' | 'x' |
strength | How strongly this plane affects the marching cube field. | 0.5 |
subtract | How quickly strength moves to 0 over distance. | 12 |