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<MarchingCubes /> is a wrapper around THREE's Marching Cubes.

It includes 3 components:

  • <MarchingCubes /> – container element for <MarchingCube />s and <MarchingPlane />s
  • <MarchingCube /> - an individual metaball
  • <MarchingPlane /> – optional bounding plane that interacts with the metaballs


<script setup lang="ts">
import { MarchingCube, MarchingCubes, MarchingPlane, OrbitControls } from '@tresjs/cientos'
import { TresCanvas } from '@tresjs/core'
import { NoToneMapping, Vector3 } from 'three'

const rand = () => (Math.random() - 0.5) * 1.25
const positions = Array.from({ length: 40 }, () => new Vector3(rand(), rand(), rand()))

  <TresCanvas clear-color="#222" :tone-mapping="NoToneMapping">
    <TresPerspectiveCamera />
    <OrbitControls />

    <MarchingCubes :resolution="40" :max-poly-count="40000">
      <MarchingPlane plane-type="y" />
        v-for="position, i of positions"
      <TresMeshPhongMaterial specular="#111111" :shininess="30" color="#049ef4" :reflectivity="1" />

    <TresAxesHelper />
    <TresDirectionalLight color="#ffffff" :intensity="3" :position="[0, 200, 0]" />
    <TresDirectionalLight color="#ffffff" :intensity="3" :position="[100, 200, 100]" />


resolutionResolution of the marching cube field. Higher resolution produces smoother meshes at the cost of performance and memory.28
maxPolyCountMaximum number of polygons to generate.10000
enableUvsWhether UVs are enabled.false
enableColorsWhether vertex colors are enabled.false

<MarchingCube /> Props

strengthHow strongly this cube affects the marching cube field.0.5
subtractHow quickly strength moves to 0 over distance.12

<MarchingPlane /> Props

planeTypeWhich axis the plane appears on. 'x' | 'y' | 'z''x'
strengthHow strongly this plane affects the marching cube field.0.5
subtractHow quickly strength moves to 0 over distance.12