<RandomizedLights />
internally creates multiple lights and jiggles them. You would normally add it as a child of <AccumulativeShadows />
It is based on this Drei component.
:position="[5, 5, -10]"
Prop | Description | Default |
count | Number of lights | 8 |
radius | Radius of the jiggle, higher values make softer light | 1 |
intensity | Light intensity | Math.PI |
ambient | "Ambient occlusion" to directional light ratio, lower values mean less AO | 0.5 |
castShadow | If the lights cast shadows | true |
bias | Default shadow bias | 0 |
mapSize | Size of the lights' shadow map | 512 |
size | Size of the lights' shadow camera frustum | 10 |
near | Lights' shadow camera near value | 0.5 |
far | Lights' shadow camera far value | 500 |
position | Position | [5, 5, -10] |