Calculates a bounding box around its children and aligns them as a group within their parent. The component measures its contents and realigns on every frame unless cacheKey
is set.
<script setup lang="ts">
import { Align, OrbitControls } from '@tresjs/cientos'
import { TresCanvas } from '@tresjs/core'
<TresCanvas clear-color="#222">
<TresPerspectiveCamera />
<OrbitControls />
<TresAxesHelper :scale="2" />
<Align top right back>
<TresBoxGeometry />
<TresMeshNormalMaterial />
All props are optional.
Prop | Description |
top | If true , aligns bounding box bottom to 0 on the y-axis |
bottom | If true , aligns bounding box top to 0 on the y-axis. |
left | If true , aligns bounding box right to 0 on the x-axis. |
right | If true , aligns bounding box left to 0 on the x-axis. |
front | If true , aligns bounding box back to 0 on the z-axis. |
back | If true , aligns bounding box front to 0 on the z-axis. |
disable | If true , disables alignment on all axes. |
disableX | If true , disables alignment on the x-axis. |
disableY | If true , disables alignment on the y-axis. |
disableZ | If true , disables alignment on the z-axis. |
precise | See Box3.setFromObject. |
onAlign | Callback that fires when updating, after measurement. |
cacheKey | If set, component will only update when cacheKey 's value changes. If unset, component will update every frame. |
export interface AlignCallbackOptions {
/** The next parent above <Align /> */
parent: Object3D
/** The outmost container group of the <Align/> component */
container: Object3D
width: number
height: number
depth: number
boundingBox: Box3
boundingSphere: Sphere
center: Vector3
verticalAlignment: number
horizontalAlignment: number
depthAlignment: number