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Calculates a boundary box and centers the camera accordingly. Its lookAt method accepts a target to look at imperatively e.g., after a click.


If you are using other camera controls, be sure to make them the 'default'.

<OrbitControls make-default />


<script setup lang="ts">
import { Bounds, OrbitControls } from '@tresjs/cientos'
import { TresCanvas } from '@tresjs/core'
import { Vector3 } from 'three'
import { shallowRef } from 'vue'

const { sin, cos, PI } = Math
const positions = Array.from(
  { length: 8 },
  (_, i) => new Vector3(cos(i * PI / 4) * 4, sin(i * PI / 4) * 4, 0),

const b = shallowRef()

  <TresCanvas clear-color="#4f4f4f">
    <TresPerspectiveCamera :position="[0, 0, -15]" />
    <OrbitControls make-default />
    <Bounds ref="b" clip use-mounted :offset="0.75">
        v-for="p, i of positions"
        @click="(e) => b.instance.lookAt(e.object)"
        <TresBoxGeometry />
        <TresMeshNormalMaterial />


durationDuration of the lookAt animation in seconds1.0
offsetAdditional distance from the target when using lookAt with a Box3 or Object3D0.2
useResizeWhether to relookAt the last target when the screen is resizedfalse
useMountedWhether to lookAt the Bounds object when the component is mountsfalse
clipWhether to adjust the camera's near and far settings when using lookAtfalse
easingAnimation's easing function. t and the returned value should be in the interval [0, 1]Cubic ease out


<Bounds /> lookAt points the camera at its first argument: an Object3D, Box3 or Vector3.

   * Calculates a boundary box around an `Object3D` and centers the camera accordingly.
  lookAt(object: Object3D): void
   * Calculates a boundary box around an `Object3D` and centers the camera accordingly and animates the camera's `up` vector.
  lookAt(object: Object3D, up: VectorFlexibleParams): void
   * Centers the camera's viewport on a `Box3`.
  lookAt(box3: Box3): void
   * Centers the camera's viewport on a `Box3` and animates the camera's `up` vector.
  lookAt(box3: Box3, up: VectorFlexibleParams): void
   * Look at a `Vector3`.
  lookAt(target: VectorFlexibleParams): void
   * Look at a `Vector3`, if provided. Move the camera to `position`.
  lookAt(target: VectorFlexibleParams | undefined | null, position: VectorFlexibleParams): void
   * Look at a `Vector3`, if provided. Move the camera to `position` and animate the camera's `up` vector.
  lookAt(target: VectorFlexibleParams | undefined | null, position: VectorFlexibleParams, up: VectorFlexibleParams): void
   * Rerun `lookAt` using the prior arguments. If `lookAt` has never been called, uses the `Bounds` object.
  lookAt(): void