This component creates a "stage" for your models. It sets up:
- model lighting
- ground shadows
- zoom to fit
- environment
If you are using other camera controls, be sure to make them the 'default'.
<OrbitControls make-default />
If you are using shadows="accumulative"
, enable shadows on your canvas.
<TresCanvas shadows />
And on your objects.
<TresMesh cast-shadow />
<script setup lang="ts">
import { OrbitControls, Stage } from '@tresjs/cientos'
import { type LoaderProto, TresCanvas, useLoader } from '@tresjs/core'
import type { Mesh, Object3D } from 'three'
import { type GLTF, GLTFLoader } from 'three-stdlib'
const scene = await useLoader(GLTFLoader as LoaderProto<GLTF>, '') as unknown as { nodes: { Suzanne: Object3D } }
const suzanne = scene.nodes.Suzanne as Mesh
<TresCanvas clear-color="#82DBC5">
<TresPerspectiveCamera :position="[0, 5, 15]" />
<OrbitControls make-default />
:shadows="{ type: 'contact', color: '#012' }"
:align="{ top: true, disableX: true }"
:rotation="[5.6548, Math.PI, 0]"
:position="[0, 0.90, 1]"
<TresMeshStandardMaterial color="#fbb03b" :metalness="1" :roughness="0" />
:position="[-1.75, 0.25, 1.25]"
<TresBoxGeometry />
<TresMeshStandardMaterial color="#4f4f4f" />
<TresMesh :position="[-1.65, 1, -1.5]">
<TresSphereGeometry />
<TresMeshStandardMaterial color="#82dbc5" />
interface StageProps {
/** Lighting setup, default: "rembrandt" */
| null | undefined | false
| 'rembrandt'
| 'portrait'
| 'upfront'
| 'soft'
| { main: [x: number, y: number, z: number], fill: [x: number, y: number, z: number] }
/** Controls the ground shadows, default: "contact" */
shadows?: boolean | 'contact' | 'accumulative' | StageShadows
/** Optionally wraps and thereby centers the models using <Bounds>, can also be a camera offset, default: true */
adjustCamera?: boolean | number
/** The default environment, default: "city" */
environment?: string | Partial<EnvironmentOptions> | null
/** Lighting intensity, `0` removes lights, default: 0.5 */
intensity?: number
/** To adjust alignment, default: undefined */
align?: Partial<AlignProps>
type StageShadows = Partial<AccumulativeShadowsProps> &
Partial<RandomizedLightsProps> &
Partial<ContactShadowsProps> & {
type: 'contact' | 'accumulative'
/** Shadow plane offset, default: 0 */
offset?: number
/** Shadow bias, default: -0.0001 */
bias?: number
/** Shadow normal bias, default: 0 */
normalBias?: number
/** Shadow map size, default: 1024 */
size?: number